Sunday, October 29, 2006
Happy Birthday Dan!

Today is Dan's Birthday or was it yesterday? I would like to dedicate a flanimal to him because he is a fan of Ricky Gervais.

This is the Plamglotis(Taslo Epiglug). Born without feet, it swallows its hands to walk on to find food. Obviously, when it finds food it can't eat it because its mouth is full.
Not that Dan is anything like a Plamglotis, but they are both kinda cute/cool/unusual ;)
Happy Birthday Dan!

Today is Dan's Birthday or was it yesterday? I would like to dedicate a flanimal to him because he is a fan of Ricky Gervais.

This is the Plamglotis(Taslo Epiglug). Born without feet, it swallows its hands to walk on to find food. Obviously, when it finds food it can't eat it because its mouth is full.
Not that Dan is anything like a Plamglotis, but they are both kinda cute/cool/unusual ;)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006

This is my
I think he should always be dressed like this:

He is one of the most English people I know. And I don't care if that means anything to you.
My grandpa told my mom a story when she was little that she told me when I was little. There was once a really fat boy and he was fat because he was lazy. He would never do anything. One day, his parents had to go away for a while without him. "What is he going to eat while we are gone?", wondered his mom. "Who will wash him while we are gone?", said his dad. So after careful planning and calculation, they devised the perfect plan.
"It's genius!", said his mom.
"We've really cracked this one now!", said his dad.
"Yeee haw!", they both said. (Ok, they didn't,really. This was a Malaysian family when I heard the story, but i'm telling it now, so i'm allowed to add cowboy sound effects)
Together, they made the biggest pancake ever. When that was done, they made a hole in the middle, and hung it around the boy's neck (after it cooled, of course. Everyone knows that hot pancake + neck = bad news.)
"Son, while we are away, you eat that pancake. We've hung it around your neck, so you won't have to move if you're hungry. That should keep you going till we get back"
The boy tried to say "Ok", but because he was so fat, what came out sounded something like, "OOOMPHGUUUGHH".
Two days later, they returned to find their son starved to death where they had left him. He had only nibbled at the pancake nearest to his mouth because he was too lazy to move the rest of the pancake.
The moral of the story is, always make giant pancakes that rotate magically if you have a fat and lazy son!!
Monday, October 23, 2006
Sunday, October 22, 2006
Autumn Leaves

Winter's almost here. There is a strange crisp flavour in the air. In the mornings, the sky is blue, the sun shines, and the trees cast honest shadows across the fields. Bare trees remind me of crunchy stick snacks from home.
I was at the affordable art fair in London last Thursday. There were some really cool pieces for sale - I wish I had a mansion, loads of money, and an insatiable need to decorate. Instead, I have laundry and dishes to do, and a client interview to prepare for legal process tomorrow.
After boycotting Starbucks for what now feels like an eternity, I decided to get a frappucino this morning (and was instantly reminded of why I made the decision to keep away from that evil green sea monster). Edd, the barista with crazy hair, made me a present. It's a Starbucks Cup Robot Monster.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Sunday, October 15, 2006
Friday, October 13, 2006
Thursday, October 12, 2006
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
Flu. Flew. Few.
Kevin: Yeah?
Me: Yes, I am quite the floozy.
Kevin: ha. ha . ha. ha. haaaa...
During legal process, we ask riddles on our notepads when exercises are boring and I try not to laugh loudly (this results in a screwed up face. An awful mix between constipation and joy - have you ever heard of someone who was happily constipated?)
"Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field"
"How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for christmas? He felt his presence"
But yes, I am officially ill. I've been curled up in a ball on my bed pretty much since I got home from uni today. Had some food and then read through Dan and Oliver's blog archives out of interest (I say out of interest, but it was probably more because the mind, possibly due to it being covered in phlegm, sometimes makes you want to do certain things without any apparent reason).
As I skimmed through the months, a lot of things fell into place. I learnt how quickly things had changed in the lives of two of the nicest boys I know, and realised how much I had changed too. It is very different when you're getting to know somebody it in a reverse fashion. It is like putting in a video and pressing play and then rewind. Watching the people go backwards makes you feel like god all of a sudden. You know what is going to happen and you know why it is happening before it has even begun.
But then, I don't know if god knows.
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
Malaysian Curry
Why am I angry when I should know better than to expect good asian food in England? Because the guy who served me was Malaysian. That's why. You should always look after your own people. If I had been in his boots i'd have told me to get something else. Or refused to charge me.
Fauz was teasing me about flirting with the takeaway guy. As if I would do such a thing....*whistles*
"...And then she took away the takeaway guy! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!"
*rolls eyes*
I had to do a personality quiz in Legal Process on Monday. After answering about 8000 questions and calculating your score, you could be one of (*ahem* only) four types of people: Activist, Pragmatist, Theorist, or Reflector.
Turns out I am an activist.
My lecturer gave the example of someone trying to put a shelf up to elucidate:
"The activist ignores the instructions, freestyles, ends up with a lopsided shelf, and leaves it as it is"
Thursday, October 05, 2006
Turtle Snacks
Turns out Kevin (who also does Forensic Science and Trusts with me so I see him quite a bit during the week) used to play skate hockey, and his housemate skates too so now there are people I can go skating with and people to teach me tricks!
After class yesterday, Anne, Kevin and myself were on the bus to town:
Anne: Do you think I should buy a weekly bus pass?
Me: I say if you're not riding it more than four times a week, you shouldn't commit to anything.
Anne: o_0