Autumn Leaves

Winter's almost here. There is a strange crisp flavour in the air. In the mornings, the sky is blue, the sun shines, and the trees cast honest shadows across the fields. Bare trees remind me of crunchy stick snacks from home.
I was at the affordable art fair in London last Thursday. There were some really cool pieces for sale - I wish I had a mansion, loads of money, and an insatiable need to decorate. Instead, I have laundry and dishes to do, and a client interview to prepare for legal process tomorrow.
After boycotting Starbucks for what now feels like an eternity, I decided to get a frappucino this morning (and was instantly reminded of why I made the decision to keep away from that evil green sea monster). Edd, the barista with crazy hair, made me a present. It's a Starbucks Cup Robot Monster.
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