Random Take Offs

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Flu. Flew. Few.

Me: I think I have the flu.
Kevin: Yeah?
Me: Yes, I am quite the floozy.
Kevin: ha. ha . ha. ha. haaaa...

During legal process, we ask riddles on our notepads when exercises are boring and I try not to laugh loudly (this results in a screwed up face. An awful mix between constipation and joy - have you ever heard of someone who was happily constipated?)

"Did you hear about the magic tractor? It turned into a field"
"How did Darth Vader know what Luke Skywalker was getting for christmas? He felt his presence"

But yes, I am officially ill. I've been curled up in a ball on my bed pretty much since I got home from uni today. Had some food and then read through Dan and Oliver's blog archives out of interest (I say out of interest, but it was probably more because the mind, possibly due to it being covered in phlegm, sometimes makes you want to do certain things without any apparent reason).

As I skimmed through the months, a lot of things fell into place. I learnt how quickly things had changed in the lives of two of the nicest boys I know, and realised how much I had changed too. It is very different when you're getting to know somebody it in a reverse fashion. It is like putting in a video and pressing play and then rewind. Watching the people go backwards makes you feel like god all of a sudden. You know what is going to happen and you know why it is happening before it has even begun.

But then, I don't know if god knows.


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