
Originally uploaded by The June.
After her organ teacher left today, I taught Yang Yang a different approach to playing the song. Her teacher reminded me of my own many years ago before I stopped playing - it was never really about enjoying the music, it was just getting it right, and passing the exam. Pretty accurate description of my life, actually.
But I digress. She didn't really want to play anymore because she was pretty frustrated after the lesson but I told her to listen to the beat carefully, and start playing when she was ready. It was pretty cool when she "got it" and it became really obvious that she was enjoying herself. Then my mom rang and said they had bought a piano and it was arriving in half an hour. So now we have a piano. I wanted to start playing jazz piano earlier this year, but it didn't work out, mainly because I didn't have a piano. It's a beautiful Yamaha UX and sounds brilliant. I'm having fun teaching myself the basics (very different to the organ). Finally, my dusty copy of "Easy to play Norah Jones" (bought back when I thought I was going to be the next big thing in the jazz world) will be of some use...
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