I'm flying back to London tomorrow morning. I didn't manage to get a different flight because apparently all the flights are fully booked from now till the end of September. This means three things:
a) There are too many people flying to London - even the waiting list is full.
b) If I don't go now, I can't get back in time for when term begins.
c) Because i'm having to fly back so early, I can't do my placement.
The lawyer I was supposed to be working for was really cool. We met and he asked me what I wanted to do (even though I couldn't even remember exactly what modules I had done over the past two years when he asked). He asked me how long I wanted to work, and said whatever period of time that was, it would be the same amount of time he would spend ignoring me so it didn't really matter. He also said to buy a black jacket because he would take me to court the next day. When I rang him to tell him I wouldn't be doing the placement after all he said "Do you still wanna come along to court tomorrow? You still have a day before your flight". I declined because I needed time to pack. I told him I would ring him the next time I was back in KL and he said "Yeah cool you can do it then."
He lines up all his pens and highlighters on his desk, but he doesn't colour code them. He has a brand spanking shiny new LCD screen, but an old school mouse. He has chinese antiques all over his office, and in the meeting room, he has a really cool chinese chair at the head of the table. Like a throne, almost. Like this, but a lot cooler :

Maybe they're not all bad. Seems like an interesting character and someone i'd like to work with.
My sister(Boo) was talking to my little brother (Adrian) about circumcision earlier:
Adrian: You're not a man if you're circumcised!
Boo: Oh yeah? Well your appointment is this Saturday so I guess you're not going to be much of a man after that.
The poor boy actually started crying and thinking of lots of things that could go wrong, much to our amusement. He said the anesthetist might poke the needle through his penis and mess it up forever. We're all hypochondriacs in this family. I hope he's not still mad at me in three hours. He ran off in a huff after I told him it was a joke, and his appointment was really NEXT Saturday... I'm going to miss the little bugger. He's such a sweet kid. He's the (little) man of my life.

I can never sleep the night before a flight, I worry about what I haven't packed and if my passport has expired, even if i've checked three times that it hasn't and even though it's not possible for a passport to expire, when its expiry date is two years in the future, three hours after the last check.