George dragged us to this club called "Easy Tiger" last night. There are certain places you just do not want to be seen at, and this is one of them. But we went, and had a good time anyway. Those of you who have not been, you are not missing out. In fact, stay away from clubs in general, they're a load of poo.
Well it's almost over. Unknown to most, I have been doing work non-stop over the past few weeks. It's been hectic, but very satisfying. Uni life is quite enjoyable with friends who share my degree of enthusiasm for work (it's in between the two extremes...no...a little to the left...yeah, that's it).
Sleepless nights and a date that didn't happen later, I am finally trying to relax. Still sleepless though.
I watched
Shortbus with Edmundo today and it was awesome. I admired the Chinese Canadian chick who played the lead role. It takes a lot of courage to be in a movie that involves sex, kissing a tranny, and masturbating on a bench. I reckon it takes more courage to do that if you're Chinese. I tell people I am agnostic when they ask me for my views on religion because I think it's the closest thing to my views on religion (that can be expressed without sounding offensive), but I just don't like to be bound by rules - it's simple as that. However, a lot of the time I find that my very existence is a restriction. I know I couldn't be in a movie that involved sex, kissing a tranny, and masturbating on a bench, and still expect to be accepted by my family.
It's not the best situation to be in, but i'm not entirely sure whether I am unhappy with it either. And this is genuine confusion - not saying I am happy with it.
Family or Soft porn? The fact that one has to decide makes life even more unfair.
On a lighter note, I don't know what was going on but there was an unprecedented amount of hot guys on the streets today - tis the season to be jolly ;)