Random Take Offs

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Smiling Eyes

I have been listening to Phil King. You should too.

Today I watched Requiem. It made me hate religion even more than I already do.

I had a great christmas with good friends, laughing, eating, and talking like girls.

Marshlee came down from Coventry.

Leah was too tired after too much food, and did I mention my flat is the North Pole?


Food food food food food.

And made a table:

Monday, December 18, 2006


Dear God, Buddha, Allah, etc.

Thank you for great friends.


Sunday, December 17, 2006


I went to London over the weekend to chill with Zyman and Fauz. Managed to catch Azlan as well - which was very nice. We had a great time and even got caught in the middle of Santa Lash! A giant mob of drunk santas and reindeers and a superman santa! What an awesome trip, I reckon it's made me actually start liking London.

On an unrelated note, I snapped this just as I was running to the coach station. It's at the top of the Christmas Steps in Bristol. Fucking. Ace.

And on an even more unrelated note, would you call this guy?

Sunday, December 10, 2006

It's your suffering

Ed is a guy I dated for a while last year. I recently saw him while walking down Gloucester Road and was happy to see him. We didn't exactly finish on great terms, but I thought it was nice that many months down the line, we were still able to say hello, smile, and take an interest in each others' lives- even if most of it was just small talk. I learnt he had given up his dreams of doing travel photography and been promoted to manager of a sports cafe. It made me wonder about the exact point it becomes clear that something you want is not something you want anymore. Do people just wake up one day and say "I give up. I don't want this anymore" ? Is it the same feeling someone gets when s/he decides to become a traffic warden?

Today was a fairly busy day. Jack my housemate is moving out and we spent the entire day interviewing potential housemates. A yoga teacher called Mark came in and was pretty cool. My housemate didn't like him. Her reasons for not liking him was because he "Looked creepy". She had a look at his website and said it was "Weird and all spiritual and stuff". She said "I don't want to offend him when I tell him I think everything he believes in is bullshit".

We all make mistakes when choosing housemates. Lets hope this one goes well.

End of term

George dragged us to this club called "Easy Tiger" last night. There are certain places you just do not want to be seen at, and this is one of them. But we went, and had a good time anyway. Those of you who have not been, you are not missing out. In fact, stay away from clubs in general, they're a load of poo.

Well it's almost over. Unknown to most, I have been doing work non-stop over the past few weeks. It's been hectic, but very satisfying. Uni life is quite enjoyable with friends who share my degree of enthusiasm for work (it's in between the two extremes...no...a little to the left...yeah, that's it).

Sleepless nights and a date that didn't happen later, I am finally trying to relax. Still sleepless though.

I watched Shortbus with Edmundo today and it was awesome. I admired the Chinese Canadian chick who played the lead role. It takes a lot of courage to be in a movie that involves sex, kissing a tranny, and masturbating on a bench. I reckon it takes more courage to do that if you're Chinese. I tell people I am agnostic when they ask me for my views on religion because I think it's the closest thing to my views on religion (that can be expressed without sounding offensive), but I just don't like to be bound by rules - it's simple as that. However, a lot of the time I find that my very existence is a restriction. I know I couldn't be in a movie that involved sex, kissing a tranny, and masturbating on a bench, and still expect to be accepted by my family.

It's not the best situation to be in, but i'm not entirely sure whether I am unhappy with it either. And this is genuine confusion - not saying I am happy with it.

Family or Soft porn? The fact that one has to decide makes life even more unfair.

On a lighter note, I don't know what was going on but there was an unprecedented amount of hot guys on the streets today - tis the season to be jolly ;)

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Most Pictures With Strangers Competition 2006

Initial discussions with this guy who brought up the challenge...I forget his name...

Some were keen

Others were not

But most were cool

This is my friend Richard Forbes from uni who looks good in photos:

And did I mention we WON??

All photos copyright of Fiona Heydari.

Monday, December 04, 2006


Yeah loads of photos. I have more for tomorrow but since it's 3.30am and I can't sleep, here are just some of them. Fiona was down from Newcastle and we spent some time together. Just like old times - Today we had lunch and milkshakes in Rocotillos...bread and hummous in Fresh n Wild....coffee in Borders....ahhhhhh beautiful. I have missed her dreadfully and was only too happy to see her. Too bad when George and her dropped me off at uni this evening I tripped over the seatbelt while getting out of the car and fell flat on my face...I bruised my ego. Oh, and I guess my shins and hands and other unimportant bits....

Fiona and I

Nice light

Diane made me that orange scarf. It's lush and the bestest bestest scarf ever ever made and don't you wish you had one just like it nenenenene!!!!!!!!!!!

George and her thoughtful pose



Badass Horfield Gangsters

Bad Ass Horfield Gangstas


Beautiful Edmundo and I

Some pictures from last Halloween:

Marshlee as a sexy devil (whose company we missed today)

Marshlee the Devil

George as a dead cowboy, me as a dead ann summers witch/model

Dead George, Dead Ann Summers Witch

Tomorrow, If i can be bothered, i'll show you proof of how we won the "most photos taken with a stranger" competition at the White Hart on Friday night ;)