Random Take Offs

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

More on different.

Can you understand how 'bad different' is oh-so-good but oh-so-bad at the same time?

Questions, questions, and more questions. When do we forgo our principles? Recently, I hung on to mine when I was applying to do my Bar exam and everyone who read it said it was suicidal because it was "too honest". After I submitted it, the lecturer who gave me a reference told me she liked it. She said "you read a lot of these, but yours was... different". So that made me happy.

More recently, I put my principles aside to be happy/ier. The result of that is, ironically, uncertainty. It takes a lot to say "fuck this" to stuff you strongly believe in, so logic dictates that you know where you're headed if you do. But believe you me, it is a one way ticket to the grey.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Pushing the boundaries

Things are happening very differently very suddenly. The hard work is paying off and the life is still good, but for some reason I feel as if life is dishing me a balance of different things. In other words, I am getting an equally big serving of of bad different.